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With Dalton McGuinty stepping down as premiere of our province and proroguing the government business, Bill 16 has been killed with all other members bills that were currently on the floor. We will continue our fight with a new bill once government business is back under way.
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3rd Reading Request for Bill 16
By sending this letter it allows us the ability to be able to contact you when we need to get the word out about new issues, topics and rallies for Bill 16. Your contact information is logged within the administration of this site, we may send out mailings to you on occasion. All information is recorded for internal use to allow us to contact you only. None of your information will be released to anyone outside of the administrators of this site.

The only way for the law makers to really understand how much objection there is to this law is to let them know!

Bill 16, Public Safety Related to Dogs Statute Law Amendment Act, 2012 is a bill that needs to be passed through and put into effect.
As a voting resident of Ontario, I believe that this bill needs to be put in place to ensure that all dangerous dogs are treated the same across the board. This will continue to improve the safety of Ontario and its citizens.

I implore all Liberals to STOP toeing the party line and to do what is right for the residents of this province. Time and time again, the experts have stated that the law in its current state is not proper and needs to be corrected.
Please make sure Bill 16 is called to a third reading and please vote for this bill.

Politics and government are in place to listen to what the people want, and we want this bill to be carried forward.

Yours Truly,

Letter submission has been disabled until we have a new Bill in the legislation.
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